SUNY Cortland’s new and returning students will be moving into the residence halls starting on Thursday through Sunday, August 25-28.
SUNY Cortland’s new and returning students will be moving into the residence halls starting on Thursday, August 25, 2022, and ending on Sunday, August 28, 2022.
As in previous years, SUNY Cortland will be closing down Prospect Terrace and Neubig Road to accommodate the large number of vehicles lining up to move into the residence halls. The University Police Department will coordinate the traffic from 5:30 am to approximately 6:00 pm.
Here is a brief timeline:
Thursday, August 25 and Friday, August 26 (New Students)
5:00 am - UPD will shut down Prospect Terrace at Graham Avenue and Neubig Road at Broadway.
9:00 am - Prospect Terrace and Neubig Road will be one-way heading down the hill (west) towards the residence halls.
Approximately 6:00 pm - Both Prospect Terrace and Neubig Road will re-open for regular traffic.
Saturday, August 27 (Returning/Upperclassmen)
Same road closures as above.
Sunday, August 28 (Returning/Upperclassmen)
Same road closures as above, but only for a limited time during the morning and early afternoon, depending on traffic.
Emergency and service vehicles will have priority access to all areas.